
In this Scenario, the JSON-data is inserted into the SQL database, using SMARTUNIFIER.

Process Flow Diagram

.. uml::


participant Equipment #00AEEF
box "SMARTUnifier" #34F6C8
participant "Equipment Channel File Consumer (JSON)" as EquipmentChannel  #F1F1F1
participant Mapping #F1F1F1
participant "Production Database Channel (SQL)" as DBChannel #F1F1F1
end box
participant "Production Database (SQL)" as SQLDB #00AEEF

Equipment -> EquipmentChannel : Writes JSON to input folder
EquipmentChannel -> EquipmentChannel : Observes input folder for JSON-file and triggers associated event()
EquipmentChannel -> Mapping : Triggers rule: JSON2Database()
Mapping -> Mapping : Executes Rule: JSON2Database()
Mapping -> DBChannel : Triggers Event: xxx on Database Channel
DBChannel -> DBChannel: Executes SQL-query
DBChannel -> SQLDB : Inserts data into the SQL database



1.) The JSON file represents the equipment data. Below, the sample data is visible.

 "equipmentId": "Equipment_A1234",
 "orderNr": "Order_000101",
 "materialNr": "A1C55100",
 "quality": "IO"

2.) Access to a SQL-Server database.