The deployment of SmartUnifier-Instances on AWS Cloud is handled by the SmartUnifier Manager. The Manager can run on any On-Premise location such as, server environments and Industrial PCs; however, in order to deploy Instances on AWS an internet conneciton is required. In order to run SmartUnifier Manager on AWS Cloud please see the SMARTUNIFIER Installation Manual.
SmartUnifier is using the AWS SDK for Java to make deployments of Instancs to AWS Fargate. Following AWS Services are used during the deployment process:
AWS Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) (Mandatory).
AWS CodeBuild (Mandatory).
AWS Elastic Container Registry (Mandatory).
AWS Elastic Container Service (Mandatory).
AWS Fargate (Mandatory).
Amazon CloudWatch (Optional).

Sequence of events¶
Upload of the SmartUnifier Instance as an archive file format to Amazon S3.
Creation and automatic triggering of an AWS CodeBuild project.
The AWS CodeBuild project uses the archive file from the specifed Amazon S3 Bucket in order to build an Docker Image for the particular SmartUnifier Instance.
When finished, AWS CodeBuild pushes the Image to a specified ECR Repository.
Is the Image available on the ECR Repository a Fargate Task Definition is created as well as an ECS Service which is using the Task Definition.
By default, the Task is not started directly. Starting and Stopping of tasks can be done via the SmartUnifier Manager or the AWS Console.