
What are Mappings

Mappings represent the SMARTUNIFIER component that define when and how to exchange/transform data between two or multiple Information Models. In other words, it is acting as a translator between the different Information Models. One Mapping consists of one or multiple Rules. A Rule contains a Trigger, which defines when the exchange/transformation takes place, and a list of actions that are defining how the exchange/transformation is done.

How to create a new Mapping

Follow the steps below to create a new Mapping definition:

  • Go the Mappings perspective by clicking the “Mappings” button (1)

  • Following screen containing a list view of existing Mappings is displayed

  • In order to add a new Mapping, select the “Add Mapping” button at the top right corner (2)

  • On the following screen provide the following mandatory information: Group, Name, Version and a Description which is optional (3)

  • Click the “Add Model” button (4)

  • Select the Information Model for this Mapping and enter a name for it (5)

  • “Remove Model” button (6) removes the Model

  • After all mandatory fields are filled in, the “Save” button at the top right corner is enabled. Click the button to submit the new Channel (7)

  • The newly created Mapping is now visible in the list view
