You are new to SMARTUNIFIER?
Learn about the SMARTUNIFIER integration platform.
Learn about the connectivity use cases you can adress with SMARTUNIFIER.
Check out the supported connectivity endpoints and data formats.
Learn about changes.
How to integrate with SMARTUNIFIER¶
Each integration scenario follows the same workflow, which consists out of 5 steps:
Information Models - describe and visualize communication related data using hierarchical tree structures.
Communication Channels - describe and configure the protocols needed for the scenario.
Mappings - define when and how to exchange/transform data between Information Models.
Device Types - define templates for Instances.
Instances - define applications that provide the connectiviy.
In order to keep artifacts in SMARTUNIFIER organized take a look at:
SMARTUNIFIER supports the deployment of Instances on several computing environments:
Local - on the same environment the SMARTUNIFIER Manager is running on.
Docker - on containerized environments.
Fargate - on the AWS Cloud using fully managed service AWS Fargate.
Learn how to operate and monitor your SMARTUNIFIER Instances.
Learn how to create Deployment Endpoints and how to manage User Accounts within SMARTUNIFIER.
Demonstration Scenarios¶
You want to learn and get your hands on a demonstration integration scenario? Check out the following sample demonstration uses cases:
Getting Help¶
Having trouble? We’d like to help!
In case of malfunctioning SU Instances check out the Troubleshooting section.
Try the FAQ - it’s got answers to regularly asked questions.
Check out the Glossary if some terminology is not clear.