Deployment Steps

Expected Time

  • Deployment of an SMARTUNIFIER Instance on AWS Fargate (Exisiting AWS Resources) - expected deployment time: 5 min

  • Deployment of an SMARTUNIFIER Instance on AWS Fargate (Creation of needed AWS Resources required) - expected deployment time: 30-40 min

Deployment of the SMARTUNIFIER Instance

If you have not already set up an AWS Deployment Endpoint please refer to chapter: AWS Endpoint.

Follow the steps described below to deploy a SMARTUNIFIER Instance on AWS Fargate:

  • Select the SMARTUNIFIER Deployment perspective (1).

Select Deployments
  • Click the “Add” button (2).

  • Select AWS (3).

Select AWS Deployment
  • Select the SMARTUNIFIER Instance you want to deploy (4):

  • Select your AWS account in form of a Deployment Endpoint created previously (5) and configure the following parameters:

    • Select the VPC in which you want to deploy the SMARTUNIFIER Instance.

    • Select a Subnet within the VPC.

    • Select a Security Group.

    • Select a IAM Role for AWS CodeBuild.

      • AWS CodeBuild needs an service role so that it can interact with dependent AWS services onbehalf of SMARTUNIFIER.

    • Select a S3 Bucket.

    • Select a ECS Cluster in which the Instance should be deployed.

    • Select an ECR Repository.

      • The AWS CodeBuild project, which is created and triggered by SMARTUNIFIER, pushes an Image to the provided Amazon ECR Repository.

    • Select the Task’s - CPU.

    • Select the Task’s - Memory.

  • Select the Log File Configuration (Determines the log level detail) (6).

  • Save the Deployment by clicking the “Save” button (7).

Enter AWS Deployment Information
  • Go back to the list view by clicking the “Close” button and deploy your SMARTUNIFIER Instance by clicking the “Deploy” button (8).

Deploy Instance
  • You can start and stop the Instance using SMARTUNIFIER by clicking the “Start”/”Stop” button or using the AWS Console.


Once deployed and started, the SMARTUNIFIER Instance logs can be accessed via Amazon CloudWatch.

In order to access log files follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Amazon CloudWatch Service via the Console.

  • Select Log groups from the menu on the left.

  • Select awslogs-testinstance and select a log Stream.