
SMARTUNIFIER provides a comprehensive management of the configuration components.

In the View Mode, the following options are available:

  • Group Filter

  • Search

  • Import

  • Add

  • Reload

  • Sort

Group Filter

With the Group Filter it is possible to restrict the number of components according to the substrings in the Group.

The Group Name contains substrings separated by a dot “.”. The Group Filter is then able to visualizes the Group Names in a hierarchical structure.

The Show All filter enables the view of all components (1).


In order to apply a filter, click one of the item in the Group Filter list (2). At the top of the table, the selected filter is visible (3).


Removing the filter is possible by either clicking the selected item again, selecting the Show All option or by clicking the cross in the filter at the top of the table.


This option allows the user to add to the scenario a new created or an exported component.

Before importing an exported component, open the JSON file and delete the component id (1) - when importing the database will generate a universally unique identifier (uuid). Also, copy (2) and paste (3) the version in the info section, as shown bellow.

Import Artefact Preparing
Import Artefact Preparing

To import, select the Import button (4) from the upper right.

Import Button

A pop-up window appears. Chose the file (5) and select the Open button (6).

Import File

The imported component is now listed (7).

File Imported


The option to add/create a new component is described in the Instance Setup chapter, for each type:


This option reloads the components from the repository by selecting the Reload button (1) from the upper right.



The information in the view mode can be sorted ascending or descending for each column:
  • Group

  • Name

  • Version

  • Description

To sort the information from a column click on the column header (1). An arrow icon will indicate if the components are sorted ascending or descending.

In the view mode on the right of each component, the following operations are available:
  • Export

  • Edit

  • Delete


The user has the option to export a component to the local machine.

First, click on the Export button (1).

Export Button

Choose a location for the file (2) and select the Save button (3).



A component can be deleted by clicking the Delete button (1).


Select Delete on the confirmation dialog (2).

Delete Confirmation

The component is deleted.



A component can be edited by clicking the Edit button (1).

Edit Button

The component is opened in the edit mode.

Edit Mode
In the edit mode, the following operations are available:
  • Clone

  • Apply

  • Save

  • Save and Close

  • Close


A component can be cloned from the edit mode, by selecting the Clone button. (1).

Clone Button

A pop-up appears, if needed change the version (2) and click on the Ok button (3).

Clone Confirm

The cloned component is visible, in edit mode, requiring to input a valid name (4)

Clone Edit Name


The Clone operation is not available for the Deployment component.


In the edit mode, after a new data input the Apply button (1) must be selected to validate/compile data.

Apply Button


In the Edit Mode, after applying the input data, the user can save the changes by clicking on the Save button (1).

Save Button

A confirmation message appears (2). The edit mode remains active.

Save Confirmation

Save and Close

When editing a component, after applying the input data, the user can save the changes and exit the edit mode by clicking on the Save and Close button (1).

Save and Close Button

A confirmation message appears (2). The view mode is active.

Save Confirmation

Close Edit Mode

The user can exit the edit mode by clicking on the Close button (1).

Close Button

If the data is not saved, a pop-up appears and the user can select the Cancel button (2) to return to the edit mode and save the data or select the Leave button (3) to exit without saving.

Close Confirmation