Does SMARTUNIFIER provide caching/buffering of data?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER is capable of supporting caching of messages using file buffer (Spool) for message transfer to external middleware like MQTT. This functionality can be provided as part of a SMARTUNIFIER Communication Channel and dependent on the used communication protocol of the respective channel.

Is it possible to set different buffering options for different channels?

Yes, each communication channel of SMARTUNIFIER can provide a different buffer size and further options.

Does SMARTUNIFIER enable data pre-processing, cleansing, filtering and optimization of data?

Yes, this is a core feature of SMARTUNIFIER. SMARTUNIFIER provides powerful capabilities for any kind data preprocessing, cleansing, filtering and optimization. The capabilities of SMARTUNIFIER in this respect range from simple calculations, unit conversions, type conversions and reformatting up to arbitrary processing algorithms of any complexity.

Does SMARTUNIFIER enable data aggregation?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER enables data aggregation and reformatting with any level of complexity.

Does SMARTUNIFIER provide short term data historian features?

Yes, historic telemetric data (of variable time horizons; size limited by used HW) can be monitored by usage of SMARTUNIFIER’s logs which can record all communication activities of a SMARTUNIFIER Instance incl. telemetric data. SMARTUNIFIER’s Log data can afterwards be forwarded by usage of a dedicated Communication Channel to any (and also multiple) upper-level monitoring or analytics system. Alternatively SMARTUNIFIER’s Logs can be accessed directly by any external IT application (remote access to HW device is required).

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER can create any number of OPC-UA Servers and/or Clients within just one Communication Instance.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support standard number of connections to OPC-UA Clients?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER supports a virtually unlimited number of client connections per OPC-UA Server. Physically the number of connections is limited by number of subscriptions per session, number of data objects and size per subscription as well as by HW and network constraints. SMARTUNIFIER allows to operate multiple OPC-UA Servers and/or OPC-UA Clients within each single SMARTUNIFIER instance for northbound and/or southbound communication.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support brokering to MQTT Server?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER supports any number of MQTT connections. One single SMARTUNIFIER Instance can connect to one or multiple MQTT brokers (e.g., for different target systems) and is able to communicate bi-directional.

Which southbound protocols are offered with SMARTUNIFIER?

SMARTUNIFIER supports many protocols like e.g.,

  • Siemens S7, S7-2

  • OPC-UA

  • Beckhoff

  • MQTT

  • Modbus-TCP

  • file-based (different formats like CSV, XML, JSON, any binary format)

  • SQL

…and many more to come continuously. Specific protocols can be provided based on customer request. Therefore please contact Amorph Systems (www.amorphsys.com).

Does SMARTUNIFIER enable pre-aggregation of additional sensor data and/or more devices (rule based), for e.g., temperature monitoring?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER allows to connect any number of telemetric data sources to a SMARTUNIFIER Instance. Rule-based pre-aggregation and pre-processing of additional sensor data is supported with any level of complexity. This ranges from simple pre aggregation/pre-processing up to complex utilization of advanced AI or ML algorithms.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support processing of active cloud commands? (e.g., System Manager AWS / AWS Agent)

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER provides a RESTful API to execute Shell Commands (e.g., Start/Stop Instance, etc.). Thus, active cloud commands are supported. In addition, also commands from other external IT-Systems (e.g., MES, ERP, AWS Systems Manager etc.) are possible. Furthermore if required SMARTUNIFIER can be fully executed and operated within Cloud Environments (e.g.,, within AWS Cloud).

Which northbound protocols are supported by SMARTUNIFIER?

SMARTUNIFIER supports many northbound protocols, like e.g.,

  • OPC-UA

  • MQTT

  • WebSphere


  • any file based protocol

  • SQL/any database

  • Splunk

  • Vantiq

…and many more to come continously. Specific protocols can be provided based on customer request. Therefore, please contact Amorph Systems (www.amorphsys.com).

Does SMARTUNIFIER support international naming standards (example: EUROMAP 77, PackML)?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER is specifically designed to support strongly the incorporation of international standards (e.g., EUROMAP 77, 82, 83, 84, AutomationML, PackML, DFQ, SEMI SECS/GEM etc.) as well as company standards, by offering the capability to be able to build up specific SMARTUNIFIER Information Models complying with these standards and incorporating full data semantics. There will be a one-time effort to implement such a standard in SMARTUNIFIER as a respective Information Model and afterwards this Standard can be used for any communication across the whole customer IT Infrastructure. Also this includes flexible mapping from legacy protocols to new standard protocol and vice versa.

Does SMARTUNIFIER offer the ability to integrate with other systems and applications through REST Server APIs and Web Services for Operational purpose?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER features a REST API for operational purpose (e.g., instance start/stop service, configuration etc.)

Does SMARTUNIFIER offer a way to realize a flexible, configurable dataflow?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER features a configurable and highly performant rule-based engine (SmartMappings) based on different northbound and/or southbound input sources for realizing any dataflow (workflow) that is required in industrial environments. This covers communication sequences for identification, processing start, processing execution, processing end, results data pro-vision as well as detailed process data provision. Also commands from any upper-level IT-System can be processed and further transmitted to the production equipment (e.g., recipe management, NC program transfer etc.) External data flow engines / visualization apps (e.g., Node-Red, Grafana) can be connected.

Does SMARTUNIFIER enable Central Software Management?

Yes, all Information Models, Mappings and Deployment Features can be managed centrally. Furthermore, SMARTUNIFIER features an easy to use REST API for operational purpose (e.g., instance start/stop service, configuration etc.).

Does SMARTUNIFIER enable Container Deployment?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER operation and deployment is fully based on Container-Technology (Docker). SMARTUNIFIER Manager and Instances can be operated and deployed inside Docker Containers to any End Point within the network running Docker environment.

Which Operating System SMARTUNIFIER is supporting?

SMARTUNIFIER runs on Windows, Linux, Mac and other OS supporting Java RT and Docker.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support onPrem Edge-Analytics?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER can be connected to any Edge-Analytics System SMARTUNIFIER Logs can provide detailed information about all communication activities. These log data can either be provided by a dedicated Communication Channel to any upper level Analytics System (in any required format) or can be made locally accessible to any agent running locally on the HW.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support DevOps CI/CD Pipeline for installations and update?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER supports remote installation/update of Software from SMARTUNIFIER Manager via Docker Registry SMARTUNIFIER Instances (running in Docker Containers) can be updated, monitored and controlled remotely. Docker registry is also accessible from external systems if required.

Does SMARTUNIFIER enable Software Scalability?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER is able to scale from connection of one single equipment/device to virtually any number of equipment/devices by means of its decentralized architecture.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support the architecture of distributed systems?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER itself is a fully distributed and scalable IT system. With this architecture SMARTUNIFIER is able to collaborate in any small or large IT environment. SMARTUNIFIER is open to reliably collaborate in large sites.

Does SMARTUNIFIER provide the ability to directly communicate with other Devices or IT-Systems through standard protocols and also supports Load-Balancing?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER is able to communicate with any other Devices or IT-Systems and also address load balancers for optimized feeding of data to any message brokers or data forwarder.

Does SMARTUNIFIER provide the ability for data to be ingested as a consolidated batch (File Transfer)?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER is capable of using any files in any formats as input source and also as output destination.

Does SMARTUNIFIER provide the ability to create custom connectors to ingest data from arbitrary sources?

Yes, the capability to be able to realize custom connectors for any data source is one of the core elements of SMARTUNIFIER’s architecture.

Is SMARTUNIFIER able to push operational data to an Edge-Gateway?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER is capable of receiving operational data from any device or IT-System and push it to an Edge-GW. E.g., OPC-UA, MQTT and HTTP/REST are supported. Also, many other protocols can be used therefore.

Does SMARTUNIFIER provide Software Monitoring?

Yes, each SMARTUNIFIER Instance creates detailed logs that document every communication activity. These logs can be made accessible to any external system e.g., by a dedicated monitoring communication channel. Moreover, SMARTUNIFIER Manager comes with a built-in Monitoring Dashboard that allows monitoring of the distributed SMARTUNIFIER Instances.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support Monitoring integration?

Yes, this is possible; Each SMARTUNIFIER Instance creates detailed logs that document every communication activity. These logs can be made accessible to any external system e.g., by a dedicated monitoring communication channel. In addition, SMARTUNIFIER is able to send any kind of monitoring message (e.g., based on status changes or other events (e.g., time triggered) to any (or multiple) upper level monitoring system in any required format.

Does SMARTUNIFIER provide certificate handling?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER is able to handle certificates and establish state-of-the-art secured connections (e.g., TLS, secured MQTT, secured OPC-UA, etc.).

Is it possible with SMARTUNIFIER to limit access to data?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER Instances work on independent Windows/Linux computer units. Data may be stored temporarily on these HW devices as logs or for buffer (cache) purposes. This temporary data can be protected by assigning the HW with appropriate access rights and user roles.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support services for security supervision and security monitoring?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER creates detailed logs regarding all communication activities (and other activities) it performs. With SMARTUNIFIER it is possible to integrate with any external security supervision/monitoring system (e.g., Splunk) and provide on-line log files (in any required format) to these systems by usage of a dedicated monitoring communication channel.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support End-to-End transport encryption (to Northbound and Southbound)?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER is capable of supporting End-to-End transport encryption for southbound and northbound communication channels.

Does SMARTUNIFIER enforce secure individual authentication for all users?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER supports individual user authentication.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support Windows Active Directory (AD)?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER supports Windows Active Directory.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support a (configurable) secure remote access?

Yes, Secure remote access to SMARTUNIFIER Manager and SMARTUNIFIER Instances is possible by standard Windows or Linux tools (e.g., ssh).

Can SMARTUNIFIER protect unsecured Shop Floor devices from office network through isolation?

Yes, a SMARTUNIFIER Instance can be deployed locally near an equipment/device and map any unsecured equipment/device interface into a secured protocol (e.g., OPC-UA, MQTT). This way “unsecured data streams” coming from an equipment/device can be transferred to any northbound system in a secured way (isolation of the equipment/device). The same principle can be also applied when sending control parameters (e.g., screwer params, NC programs, recipes, …) or commands from a northbound system to the equipment/device.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support malware protection concepts (e.g., support of standard Anti-Virus Software)?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER works with any standard malware protection software incl. McAffee, NOD and many others.

Is SMARTUNIFIER secure by design (e.g., secure coding guidelines, use of open source code, pentesting)?

SMARTUNIFIER was developed according state-of-the-art coding principles and on request we are willing to let perform any checks, verifications, pen testing as required to validate the software. Especially for realizing communication channels and implementing protocols, state-of-the-art Open Source Libraries are used and constantly updated to the newest versions available.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support a range of transmission/infrastructure protocols (e.g., IPV4/IPv6)?

Yes, with SMARTUNIFIER (depending on used HW) IP4/IP6 are supported.

  • LAN: Up to 4x Gbit Ethernet Intel i211

  • Wireless LAN: 802.11ac dual antenna + BT 4.2

  • Cellular communication: LTE/WCDMA/GSM/GNSS

USB: Up to 8 ports, 2x USB 3.0, Up to 6x USB 2.0

  • RS232 serial port

Also other transmission/infrastructure protocols can be supported on request but may require additional HW.

Does SMARTUNIFIER provide the ability to handle intermittent connectivity of sources (data/event redelivery and failure modes)?

Yes, intermittent connectivity of sources can be handled by SMARTUNIFIER Communication Channels. Based on rules, data/event redelivery can take place, failure modes can be activated, and escalation procedures to northbound systems can be triggered.

Does SMARTUNIFIER reduce unnecessary traffic on shop floor network to protect device interfaces from traffic overload?

Yes, a SMARTUNIFIER instance can be deployed locally nearby the equipment on any suitable HW device. The SMARTUNIFIER instance can then be configured to communicate to the connected southbound equipment/devices by using a separate physical network port and this way isolate the device from unnecessary traffic coming from the northbound network.

Does SMARTUNIFIER support low Latency between Southbound and Northbound Interfaces?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER provides high performance / low latency by its distributed architecture consisting out of small SMARTUNIFIER Instances (i.e. no central bottlenecks like e.g., a middleware broker/database). Furthermore, SMARTUNIFIER features an integrated compiler that creates native Bytecode for the interfaces to be executed within the SMARTUNIFIER Instances. This makes the SMARTUNIFIER highly performant, since no slow scripting language nor any slow interpreter is used to provide the connectivity functionality.

Is it possible with SMARTUNIFIER to ensure a consistent setting of time stamps for events (NTP)?

Yes, this is possible.

Is it possible to use UNICODE for operational data?

Yes, it is possible to use UNICODE with SMARTUNIFIER (e.g., for OPC-UA).

Is stability of SMARTUNIFIER s API given? Is the API stable across releases?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER is a standard product from Amorph Systems. Interface stability is given and stable across new product releases. Furthermore interfaces are versioned and under controlled release management (i.e. different versions of interface, Information, Models and Mappings can be maintained and deployed in a controlled mode).

Which tools for development, deployment and error analysis can be used with SMARTUNIFIER ?

For extension, deployment and error analysis of SMARTUNIFIER (e.g., development of new Information Models, pre-processing, aggregation etc.) widely-used and accepted state-of-the-art development environments and powerful standard tools may be used, e.g., Eclipse, Maven/sbt, Jenkins, Docker. For Error Analyses detailed logs created by SMARTUNIFIER can be used and analyzed with any analytics tools.

What is the cost model of SMARTUNIFIER ?

Please refer to Amorph Systems (www.amorphsys.com) for prices for SMARTUNIFIER . In general, the following policies apply:

  • SMARTUNIFIER Manager is free of charge

  • For SMARTUNIFIER Instances a yearly license fee is charged

Does Amorph Systems offer reliable support for SMARTUNIFIER ?

For many years, Amorph Systems is providing first class support and intensive care to all of its customers. This covers all products and solutions that were delivered and operated in Industrial Areas as well as in Air Traffic Industry. For customer references please refer to Amorph Systems (www.amorphsys.com).

What support levels (SLAs) are supported?

Different levels of services (8x5, 8x7 up to 24x7) are available upon request from Amorph Systems (www.amorphsys.com).

Does SMARTUNIFIER support multiple languages?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER is capable of supporting multiple languages. Currently the GUI is available in English and German language. In case more languages are required, please contact Amorph Systems (www.amorphsys.com)

Does Amorph Systems provide relevant training capabilities for operating SMARTUNIFIER and for engineering of Information Models and Mappings?

Yes, SMARTUNIFIER is a simple to use standard product and was specifically designed as a powerful tool to enable the end customers themselves to provide seamless equipment/device as well as IT-Systems interconnectivity within their industrial environments.

Therefore, Amorph Systems trains customers to configure, deploy and operate SMARTUNIFIER in their environments. Moreover we can give advanced trainings, so that the customers can also implement new interfaces, new channels, new, Information Models and new Mappings on their own.