What is a DeploymentΒΆ

With the SMARTUNIFIER Deployment capability you can deploy your SMARTUNIFIER Instances to any IT resource (e.g., Equipment PC, Server, Cloud) suitable to execute SMARTUNIFIER Instances.

Depending on the Deployment Type a Deployment Endpoint has to be initially created. For deployments on a local computer, no Deployment Endpoint needs to be set.

Currently, the following Deployment Endpoints are supported:

  • Local: Deployment of a SMARTUNIFIER Communication Instance to your local computer where the SMARTUNIFIER Manager is running on.

  • Docker: Deployment of a SMARTUNIFIER Communication Instance in containerized environments.

  • AWS: Deployment of a SMARTUNIFIER Communication Instance on the AWS Cloud using AWS Fargate.

SMARTUNIFIER Communication Instance can be encrypted prior the deployment by enabling the encryption option. You learn how to do so in the chapters of the specific deployment options.

Getting started: