

An Array (as an Information Model Node Type) is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type.

Configuration Components

Configuration Components are Information Models, Communication Channels, Mappings, Device Type and Communication Instances, used to realize an integration scenario.


Commands (as an Information Model Node Type) are functions like the methods of a class in object-oriented programming. The scope of a Command is bounded to the Information Model it belongs.

Communication Channels

Communication Channels or simply Channels, refer to a transmission medium. A Channel is used to convey information from one or several senders (or transmitters). Communicating data from one location to another requires some form of pathway or medium. These pathways are called Communication Channels, and the information is transmitted with the help of communication protocols. Each Information Model has one or many Channels, and each Information Model can choose which Channel it subscribes to. The information is transmitted through the Communication Channels in both directions: from the external system to the SMARTUNIFIER application and vice versa.

Custom Types

Custom Data types are defined by the user for a Node Type.

Data Types

Each Node Type has a Data Type. Data Types can be either a Simple Type or a Custom Type - depending on the Node Type.


With the SMARTUNIFIER Deployment capability Instances can be deployed to any IT resource (e.g., Equipment PC, Server, Cloud) suitable to execute a SMARTUNIFIER Instance.

Deployment Endpoints

Deployment Endpoints are used to identify the location of a Deployment (e.g., AWS Fargate, Docker)

Device Types

Device Type contains one or multiple Mappings. Each Mapping contains one or multiple Information Models and its associated Communication Channel. Within a SMARTUNIFIER Device Type it is possible to overwrite existing Communication Channel configurations. Device Types are especially important, when having to connect several similar equipment or devices that share the same communication parameters. In these cases it is sufficient to define only one Device Type and the settings of this Device Type can be reused across all Instances.


Events (as an Information Model Node Type) represent an action or occurrence recognized by SMARTUNIFIER, often originating asynchronously from an external data source (e.g., equipment, device). Computer events can be generated or triggered by external IT systems (e.g., received via a Communication Channel), by the SMARTUNIFIER itself (e.g., timer event) or in other ways (e.g., time triggered event).

File Consumer

This Communication Channels offers the capability to read-in files (e.g., CSV, XML, and JSON). The File Consumer monitors an input folder that is specified in the configuration.

File Tailer

This Communication Channels offers the capability to read-in files (e.g., CSV, XML, and JSON). The File Tailer monitors a specific file, which is specified in the configuration.


This Channel offers connectivity to an InfluxDB. InfluxDB is an open-source time series database.

Information Models

Information Model describes the communication related data, which is available for a device or IT system. Each device or IT system is represented by an Information Model.


An Instance represents an application that handles the connectivity. Instances can be deployed to any suitable IT resource (e.g., Equipment PC, Server, Cloud), and provide the connectivity functionality configured. Therefore, a SMARTUNIFIER Instance uses one or multiple Mappings and selected Communication Channels from a previously defined Device Type.


A List (as an Information Model Node Type) representing collections of Node Types (e.g., Variables, Properties, Arrays, and other Lists).


Mapping represents the SMARTUNIFIER component that is defining when and how to exchange/transform data between two or multiple Information Models. In other words it is acting as a translator between the different Information Models. One Mapping consists of one or multiple Rules.


This Communication Channel offers the capability to send data using the messaging protocol MQTT. MQTT is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport for connecting remote devices with minimal network bandwidth.

Node Types

Node Types are elements within an Information Model. Node Types are Variables, Properties, Events, Commands and also collections such as Arrays and Lists. Each Node Type has a Data Type that defines if the Node Type is a predefined Data Type or a custom Data Type.


Is a machine to machine communication protocol for industrial automation.

Predefined Types

Predefined Data Types (e.g., String, Integer, Double, etc.) are available for the definition types - Variables, Properties, Arrays, Lists (e.g., String, Integer, Boolean).


Properties (as an Information Model Node Type) are used to represent XML attributes.

REST Client

This Communication Channels offers the capability to consume and operate with resources exposed by REST Servers.

REST Server

This Communication Channels offers the capability to provide resources employing the HTTP communication protocol.


A Rule contains a Trigger that defines when the exchange/transformation takes place and a list of actions that are defining how the exchange/transformation is done.


The Web application SMARTUNIFIER Manager is used to create and monitor SMARTUNIFIER Instances.


In the Mapping sources are Node Types that are mapped to targets.


This Communication Channel offers the capability to connect to a SQL Databases (e.g., MariaDB, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, ORACLE, HSQLDB, and DB2).


In the Mapping targets are Node Types that receive data assigned from a source.


The Trigger defines when the exchange/transformation data between two or multiple Information Models takes place.

User Management

User Management allows the administrator to create users accounts, to assign permissions as well as to activate or to deactivate the user accounts.


Variables in an Information Model represent data values and structures.